What are smart contracts?
are Smart Contracts and how can they be used for assets?
An overview of smart
contracts and how real assets can be integrated with them using the SharesChain
A Smart Contract serves a
very similar function as a contract does in the real world. Contracts, in
typical cases, involve two or more parties that agree on certain terms, sign
the contract, and once these terms have been carried out and both parties are content,
the contract is deemed fulfilled. Smart contracts employ the same principle but
are able to operate automatically via an algorithm that has the terms of the
contract embedded within it. This allows for trust in a space where setting up
certain types of deals can be difficult.
Smart Contracts in
peer-to-peer exchanges
This can be more easily
illustrated through a few different types of examples, and we will begin with
the simplest: A direct exchange or a tit-for-tat exchange can be the most basic
way to take advantage of a smart contract. This can be likened to the case
where an individual has a Bitcoin and wishes to trade this for a fiat currency
by means of receiving a direct deposit into their bank account. Platforms that
provide this basic smart contract system already exist and one such example
would be Localbitcoins.com.
The typical trouble, without
smart contracts, arises immediately in the questions, Who should send the
money first? And how can I be sure the other party will reciprocate? With
smart contracts, however, the party that holds the cryptocurrency can deposit
the appropriate amount of tokens into the smart contract and the tokens will be
held there by the system. At this point we can consider the smart contract to
be activated. The party involved in the activation of the contract by
submitting his or her tokens will also provide the other party with their bank
account details for direct deposit. The sender of fiat funds receives the
contract order and activation, and then authorizes the direct deposit via their
banks website or whatever other means are available. After this step, they
will provide a receipt or otherwise some proof of transfer. Once the party that
activated the smart contract receives the fiat currency, they will mark the
contract fulfilled by clicking a fulfillment button that releases the tokens to
the other party.
As a security backup, the
host of the smart contract is a third-party platform or entity responsible for
facilitating any problems. If the party that activated contract doesnt release
the tokens after some preset or agreed upon amount of time, the third-party
facilitator will request for the proof of transfer. They also possess the
authority to release the funds of the smart contract depending on the terms and
conditions prior to the contracts activation. This way, disputes can be made,
and all initial funds will be able to be distributed to the appropriate party
thus ridding the situation of any potential scams.
Since SharesChain is the
exemplar of an ITO aiming to digitize any type of asset by utilizing smart
contracts, we can take the example of direct exchanges and examine some
possible ways in which it could be utilized in other types of markets.
Example of smart contract
applications for real assets
So direct internet exchanges
are simple applications for smart contract outlines, but SharesChain offers the
methods, integrated service providers, tools and frameworks for bringing in
real-world assets to this picture. Say a user wants to sell their car; they
could create a Smart Contract. The owner of the car has a real asset that links
their identity to the legal title of the car.
This example has extensions
far beyond the actual trading of the physical car, which we will outline later,
but let us see how the trade of the actual vehicle from one person to another
would work. The car owner would place their car in a storage unit that has a
passcode to enter. The owner then, would write up a smart contract dictating:
the price of the vehicle, their personal wallet account number, the passcode
for the storage unit and the command to release said passcode once the value
has been deposited into the smart contract account. Any disagreement would
result in the smart contract returning the tokens to the original party that
deposited them.
As soon as a buyer agrees to
the price, they would deposit the amount into the owners account and the smart
contract would execute to release the passcode to the new owner. The smart
contract would also have to be backed by a legally verified document in the
real world, the title, that would update to relinquish ownership of the
vehicle. Thus, it legally registers the buyer on the blockchain as the new
owner of the vehicle.
Of course, ideally there
would be some assurance that the car was in good shape, and this would be the
job for specialized service providers. Otherwise, the owner could just as
easily have put a big box in the storage unit where the car should be, but
delegators, facilitators and service providers will be able to provide users
the necessary assurances. The SharesChain network can provide access to these
specialized service providers along with an integrated mechanism for paying
them to employ their capabilities. Smart Contracts could potentially make
buying a car as simple as buying a new pair of shoes on Amazon.
To extend the impacts of this
example, lets assume the seller from the previous case is instead the
manufacturer. They deposit these cars in an official warehouse where people can
go and pick up their new car. The greatest benefit here is that there would be
no need for centralized dealerships. No need for haggling and the making of
deals with questionable sellers, only to be left feeling uneasy as to whether
or not it was the correct choice. It would not require much additional
configuration of the smart contract to incorporate other factors of vehicle
acquisition such as the test-drive factor. In the very least, the art of
haggling will be left up to the individual seller and the processes can largely
be completed online.
Dealers and manufacturers are
not the only parties that could benefit from this process as car rental
companies, leasing companies or private companies that participate in temporary
car-share programs would see great value in this decentralized capability. The
corporate solutions available would only be limited to our imagination in how
to utilize this platform and framework.
There are unlimited
potential applications
This is just one example of
how a smart contract and its application to real assets can help in a variety
of different ways because cars provide a nice illustration since the title
transference process and the physical aspect of the car are reasonably simple
to imagine. However, applications to the vast amounts of other assets available
such as the different types of real estate deeds would be another. Over the
coming weeks we will explore other various examples that the SharesChain
ecosystem makes possible.
Smart Contracts on their own
cant do these things, as they are limited to the blockchain. They serve to
fulfill a task that is run on the basic principle of if/then. If the
money is deposited in the account, then it will release the
tokens to the sender of said money. This is simple enough for a basic formula,
but when one wants to place a legal asset on that smart contract, the rules and
terms the contract runs from must be in line with the legal regulations that
correspond to their states local guidelines. That is why SharesChain possesses
so much value in the sense that it provides the framework by which one can make
the smart contract actually follow those rules.
The Smart Contracts work
solely within the blockchain. Thus, any information or commands it can use, or
give, must be within the blockchain. If it needs to go beyond the blockchain
for external data, it requires the help of an Oracle.
Stay tuned for our article on
how SharesChain will use smart contracts with an Oracle application for maximum
utility in the real world of trading assets.